Repertoire Records: Interpreten von A–Z
- Affinity
- Alvin Lee & Mylon LeFevre
- Alvin Lee & Scotty Moore
- Andromeda
- Apollo 100
- Arcadium
- Ashton, Gardner & Dyke
- Atomic Rooster
- Auger, Brian
- B
- Babe Ruth
- Bachman-Turner Overdrive
- Barnes (Australien), Jimmy
- Beggar's Opera
- Belew, Adrian
- Bell, Maggie
- Ben
- Birth Control
- Black Widow
- Bloodrock
- Blues Magoos
- Bond, Graham
- Brown (Rock), Pete (1940-2023)
- Buchanan, Roy
- C
- Canned Heat
- Caravan
- Christie
- Clayton, Lee
- Clayton, Merry
- Clear Blue Sky
- Clempson, Clem
- Climax Blues Band (ex-Climax Chicago Blues Band)
- Colosseum
- Cooper, Colin
- Count Five
- Cressida
- Curved Air
- D
- Dando Shaft
- DeVille, Willy
- Dion
- Donovan
- Downliners Sect
- Dr. Feelgood
- Dust (US-Hard Rock)
- E
- East Of Eden
- Edmunds, Dave
- Elephant
- Exuma
- F
- Farlowe, Chris
- Flash And The Pan
- Ford, Robben
- French, Peter
- Frijid Pink
- Fuzzy Duck
- G
- Genesis
- Gentle Giant
- Giorgio Moroder & Joe Esposito
- Grapefruit
- Gravy Train
- Greenbaum, Norman
- Greenslade
- Groovicity
- Guru Guru
- H
- Hadley, Tony
- Harley, Steve
- Hawkwind
- Hello
- High Tide
- Hoyle, Linda
- Humble Pie
- Hundred Seventy Split
- Hunter, Ian
- I
- Icehouse
- If (Jazzrock)
- J
- Jack Bruce & Robin Trower
- Jade Warrior
- JCM (John Hiseman, Clem Clempson & Mark Clarke)
- Johnson, Kevin
- Judas Priest
- Julie Driscoll, Brian Auger & The Trinity
- Jupp, Mickey
- K
- Kaleidoscope (UK)
- Kelly, Dave
- Kenny
- Killing Floor
- L
- Leaf Hound
- Lee, Alvin
- Legend (Jersey / England)
- Legend (Mickey Jupp)
- Lewis, Jerry Lee
- Lindisfarne
- Lucifer's Friend
- M
- Magna Carta
- Mayall, John
- May Blitz
- McGuinness, Tom
- Miller (Rock), Frankie
- Money, Zoot
- Moroder, Giorgio
- Moti Special
- Mountain
- Munich Machine
- Music Machine (Bonniwell Music Machine)
- N
- Nucleus (Ian Carr's Nucleus)
- O
- Oldie Sampler
- Orbison, Roy
- Osibisa
- P
- Patto (UK)
- Paul Revere & The Raiders
- Pop Sampler
- Q
- Quicksilver Messenger Service (Quicksilver)
- Quintessence
- R
- Redbone
- Relf, Keith
- Renaissance
- Rockpile
- Rose Tattoo
- Rumplestiltskin
- Ryder, Mitch
- S
- Skid Row (Irland)
- Snafu
- Space
- Sparks
- Spedding, Chris
- Spirit
- Spring
- Steam
- Steamhammer
- Still Life
- Stone The Crows
- Stretch
- Summer, Donna
- T
- Taylor (Tucky Buzzard), Terry
- The Animals
- The Artwoods
- The Beau Brummels
- The Blues Band
- The Chambers Brothers
- The Fabulous Thunderbirds
- The Greatest Show On Earth
- The Herd
- The James Gang
- The Lovin' Spoonful
- The Moody Blues
- The Pretty Things
- The Troggs
- The Yardbirds
- The Zombies
- Thompson, Barbara (1944-2022)
- Titanic
- Trower, Robin
- U
- Unit 4 + 2
- V
- Vanity Fare
- Vaughan, Jimmie
- Vaughn, Billy
- V. I.P. s
- W
- Warhorse
- West, Leslie
- West, Bruce & Laing
- White, Snowy
- Winter, Edgar
- Winter, Johnny
- Writing On The Wall
- Wyman, Bill
- Z
- Zior