"The Trojan War is ancient history. The gods of Olympus are silent and have not appeared to mortals for generations. In the city-state of Sparta, young Gorgo's mother gives a warning with her dying breath: the Persians are coming. The princess Gorgo, weaned on her nurse's stories of gods and shapeshifters, never forgets her mother's last words. When at last the drums of war begin to sound, she is swept up in a dangerous game of politics, treachery, and vengeance. With the blood of Herakles and Zeus himself running through her veins and the awakening of a dormant supernatural power, Gorgo, now queen of Sparta, must help lead her city-state against a mighty empire. Unraveling like prophecy and featuring stunning art from acclaimed illustrator Jason Cockcroft, Tom Holland's dramatic reimagining of one of history's most formidable wars will echo through the mind of the reader long after they have reached the final page."--
Biografie (Tom Holland)
Tom Holland, geboren 1968, studierte in Cambridge und Oxford Geschichte. Der Autor und Journalist hat sich mit BBC-Sendungen über Herodot, Homer, Thukydides und Vergil einen Namen gemacht. Holland lebt mit Frau und zwei Kindern in London.§Tom Holland ist Bestseller-Autor für Fiction und Historisches Buch.Er hat zahlreiche Auszeichnungen erhalten, u. a."Steven-Runciman-Preis für historische Erzählungen"zusammen mit Robin Lane Fox.