"Everyone experiences age-related bias at some point in their careers, but for women the costs are greater, since gender and age accrue to make you a double target for bias. Sure, there are laws and organizational rules prohibiting age-related discrimination, but those don't always translate to lived experience. Ageism affects the opportunities you have access to at work, how others perceive and value you, your health and well-being, and your income. Ageism can affect how we see ourselves, too; for example, not throwing our hat in the ring for a promotion because we think we've begun the slow march to retirement, or because we think we're too new to the workforce to be climbing the career ladder. But you can change the narrative around age for the better. Even if you're not a leader or policy maker, you can make a positive impact through how you talk about age, what you do when you witness bias, and what you encourage. No matter which end of the age spectrum you're near, this book will inspire you to: Identify the age-related assumptions you hold; recognize the structural biases that exist around age and gender at work; respond to age-related bias in an effective and professional manner; contribute to a safer work culture where you can disrupt unintentional boundaries; and diversify your network and board of mentors"--
Biografie (Lynda Gratton)
Lynda Gratton ist Professorin für Management Practice an der London Business School. Von der Times wurde sie 2009 als eine von 20 Top Business Thinkers gefeiert. Sie ist Autorin mehrerer Bücher, die in 20 Sprachen übersetzt wurden, und zahlreicher Artikel, unter anderem für "Financial Times", "Wall Street Journal" und "Harvard Business Review".
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