"J. R.R. Tolkien once wrote: 'I wisely started with a map, and made the story fit.' The Maps of Middle-earth presents four of Tolkien's iconic maps, reimagined and newly updated for this edition by acclaimed Tolkien artist, John Howe, and richly decorated with scenes from the books: Middle-earth, a breath-taking panorama of all the locations from Hobbiton to Mordor that feature in The Lord of the Rings; Wilderland, a charming evocation of the realm to which Bilbo journeyed 'there and back again' in The Hobbit; Beleriand, a lyrical portrayal of the ancient landscape of the First Age, where the great tales of The Silmarillion took place; Númenor, an exclusive reproduction of the legendary island described in Unfinished tales, which was sunk beneath the waves in the Second Age of Middle-earth. The maps are accompanied by an authoritative text written by Brian Sibley, which tells the stories behind The Hobbit, The Lord of the rings and The Silmarillion, and gives accounts of how the original maps came into being. Filled with illustrations by John Howe, many of which appear here for the first time, the book also features gazetteers of all the names on each of the four maps. They provide revealing insights into the significant role each place-name played in the stories, including those of Nâumenor, the island-kingdom once inhabited by Elendil and his sons, Isildur and Anárion, ancestors of Aragorn, that was sunk in a cataclysmic storm following the treacherous deeds of Sauron, as told in Of the Rings of Power in The Silmarillion"--
Biografie (J. R. R. Tolkien)
J.R.R. Tolkien wurde am 3. Januar 1892 in Bloemfontein (Südafrika) geboren und wuchs in England auf. Von 1925 an war er Professor für englische Philologie in Oxford und erlangte schon bald großes Ansehen als einer der angesehensten Philologen weit über die Grenzen Englands hinaus. Seine weltbekannten Bücher »Der Hobbit«, »Der Herr der Ringe«, und »Das Silmarillion« haben die Fantasyliteratur entscheidend geprägt und wurden in über 60 Sprachen übersetzt. Millionen Leserinnen und Leser werden seither von den Ereignissen in Mittelerde in Atem gehalten. Der große Erzähler starb 1973 in Bournemouth.
Biografie (Brian Sibley)
Brian Sibley ist ein anerkannter Tolkien-Kenner und war Berater bei den Dreharbeiten zu dem Film "Der Herr der Ringe".
Biografie (John Howe)
John Howe, geboren 1957 in Vancouver/Kanada, lebt heute in der Schweiz. Der Regisseur Peter Jackson holte John Howe als künstlerischen Berater nach Neuseeland, als er die Filmtrilogie "Der Herr der Ringe" drehte.