Ihre Suche nach "language science press" ergab 39 Treffer


Carsten Becker
Genusresolution bei mittelhochdeutsch beide

Advances in Historical Linguistics 1

Bereits Jacob Grimm bemerkte im Band 2 seiner Geschichte der deutschen Sprache (1848), dass adjektivische Genuskongruenz mit gemischtgeschlechtlichem Personenbezug in den älteren Sprachstufen des Deutsche…

lieferbar innerhalb 2-3 Wochen
EUR 40,00*

Christoph Bracks
Compound Intonation Units in Totoli

Topics in Phonological Diversity 2

This book is an investigation into aspects of prosody, intonation and the prosody-syntax interface in Totoli, an endangered Austronesian language. With a strongly data-driven approach, the study integrate…

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EUR 40,00*

Hilary M. Carey
The Colonial Bible in Australia

History and Philosophy of the Language Sciences 9

This book provides an extended introduction to the scripture translations of Biraban, an Awabakal man, and the missionary Lancelot Threlkeld. It examines Threlkeld s linguistic field work in Raiatea prior…

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EUR 55,00*

Markus Dickinson, Lelia Glass, Chris Brew, Detmar Meurers
Language and computers

Textbooks in Language Sciences 14

This book offers an accessible introduction to the ways that language is processed and produced by computers, a field that has recently exploded in interest. The book covers writing systems, tools to help…

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EUR 25,00*

Christian Döhler
Speaking the map

Open Text Collections 1

This collection of fourteen texts in Komnzo offers an insight into the language and culture of the Farem people, their storytelling tradition, oral history, mythology and everyday life. It contains storie…

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EUR 50,00*

Jan Herkel,
Elementa universalis linguae Slavicae

History and Philosophy of the Language Sciences 7

In 1826, as nationalism first began percolating through the Habsburg lands, Jรกn Herkel published a Latin-language Slavic grammar. Herkel, a lawyer and amateur linguist, came from the northern counties th…

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EUR 30,00*

Ryan Kasak
A grammar of Mandan

Mandan is a Siouan language of North Dakota, near the geographic center of North America. There are no longer any first-language speakers after the last fluent speaker passed away in 2016. This grammar ha…

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EUR 60,00*

Ji Yea Kim, Veronica Miatto, Andrija Petrovi¿, Lori Repetti
Epenthesis and beyond

The study of epenthesis, or the insertion of a non-etymological segment, has been at the core of phonological theory from the start, and recent approaches extend beyond phonology to include phonetic consi…

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EUR 45,00*

Christian Lehmann
Thoughts on grammaticalization

Classics in Linguistics 1

"Thoughts on grammaticalization" was first published in a working-paper version in 1982 and became very influential immediately, even though it was properly published only in 1995. Despite its modest titl…

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EUR 30,00*

Vlad A. Neac¿u
Linguistics Olympiad

Textbooks in Language Sciences 13

Linguistics Olympiad: Training Guide represents a unique and complex work aimed to help students and teachers alike prepare for the national and international Linguistics Olympiads. This guide identifies …

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EUR 35,00*

Andrey Nikulin, Javier Carol
Historical phonology of Mataguayan

This book discusses the phonological history of Mataguayan, a language family that includes no less than four distinct languages Maká, Niväle, Chorote, and Wichí spoken by ca. 65.000 individuals in th…

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EUR 65,00*

Carol J. Pebley, Thomas E. Payne
A grammar of Kagayanen

Kagayanen is a resilient Austronesian>Greater Central Philippine>Manobo language spoken by about 30,000 individuals, mostly in Palawan province in the Philippines. This grammar is the result of nearly 40 …

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EUR 70,00*

Bastian Persohn
The polyfunctionality of 'still' expressions

Research on Comparative Grammar 4

Expressions from the semasiological domain of phasal polarity ( still , already , etc.) tend to be highly polyfunctional, with their various uses often extending into a wide range of other linguistic dom…

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EUR 75,00*

Jean Rohleder
A grammar of Vamale

Comprehensive Grammar Library 9

Vamale is an endangered South Oceanic > Northern New Caledonian language, spoken by around 180 people on the northeastern coast of Grande Terre. This grammar was written as a PhD dissertation, on the basi…

lieferbar innerhalb 2-3 Wochen
EUR 45,00*

Fahime Same
Referring expression generation in context

Reference production, often termed Referring Expression Generation (REG) in computational linguistics, encompasses two distinct tasks: (1) one-shot REG, and (2) REG-in-context. One-shot REG explores which…

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EUR 40,00*

Zheng Shen, Sabine Laszakovits
The size of things II

Open Generative Syntax 13

This book focuses on the role size plays in grammar. Under the umbrella term size fall the size of syntactic projections, the size of feature content, and the size of reference sets. This Volume II discus…

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EUR 45,00*

Katerina Somers
How to create an early German scriptus

Open Germanic Linguistics 9

This book presents a new methodology for the study of historical varieties, particularly a language s early history. Using the German language s first attestations as a case study, it offers an alternativ…

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EUR 35,00*

Clara Stockigt
Australian Pama­-Nyungan languages

History and Philosophy of the Language Sciences 8

A substantial proportion of what is discoverable about the structure of many Aboriginal languages spoken on the vast Australian continent before their decimation through colonial invasion is contained in …

lieferbar innerhalb 2-3 Wochen
EUR 70,00*

Annika Vieregge
Bewertung und Variation der Präpositionalkasus im Deutschen

Die Arbeit untersucht den Einfluss der metapragmatischen Bewertung von Genitiv und Dativ auf die Nutzung der Kasus in Präpositionalphrasen. Die Variation zwischen Genitiv- und Dativrektion betrifft insbes…

lieferbar innerhalb 2-3 Wochen
EUR 45,00*

Elodie Winckel
French subject islands

Empirically Oriented Theoretical Morphology and Syntax 14

This book examines extractions out of the subject, which is traditionally considered to be an island for extraction. There is a debate among linguists regarding whether the subject island constraint is …

lieferbar innerhalb 2-3 Wochen
EUR 70,00*
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