Search Results "Ellis Henican" - all Bücher

Ihre Suche nach "Ellis Henican" (Bücher) ergab 6 Treffer


Tom Selleck, Ellis Henican,
Man kann nie wissen

TOM SELLECK ist ein preisgekrönter Schauspieler, Autor und Produzent, bekannt vor allem für seine ikonische Rolle als Thomas Magnum in der ursprünglichen Fernsehserie Magnum P.I. Zu den vielen unvergessli…

available for immediate delivery
Current price: EUR 30.00

Ellis Henican, Naveed Jamali
How To Catch A Russian Spy

The true account of an American civilian who worked as a double agent with the FBI to bring down a Russian intelligence agent on American soil

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Tom Selleck, Ellis Henican
You Never Know

Publisher has not provided a description.

deliverable within 1-2 weeks
Current price: EUR 35.39

Tom Selleck, Ellis Henican
You Never Know

Publisher has not provided a description.

deliverable within 1-2 weeks
Current price: EUR 30.40

Mickey Bergman, Ellis Henican
In the Shadows

"Brittney Griner, Danny Fenster, Otto Warmbier, Trevor Reed, Paul Whelan, Kenneth Bae...When an American citizen is unjustly imprisoned overseas, that's when Mickey Bergman's phone starts to ring. Who els…

deliverable within 1-2 weeks
Current price: EUR 31.90

Karen Jean Martinson
Make the Dream Real

El Vez performances present a powerful message of social justice and inclusion in changing US and social contextsMake the Dream Real interrogates how artist Robert Lopez playful engagements as El Vez hold…

lieferbar ab 30.5.2025.
Current price: EUR 136.99
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