Search Results "Alexander Garden" - all CDs, DVDs, Blu-ray Discs und mehr

We could not find any exact matches to your search for "alexander garden". Maybe these items match your search.


Walter von Prittwitz und Gaffron
Geschichte des Königlich Preussischen Kaiser Alexander Garde-Grenadier-Regiments Nr. 1. und seiner Stammtruppen

Unveränderter Nachdruck der Originalausgabe von 1864. Der Verlag Antigonos spezialisiert sich auf die Herausgabe von Nachdrucken historischer Bücher. Wir achten darauf, dass diese Werke der Öffentlichkeit…

deliverable within 2-3 weeks
Current price: EUR 49.90

Walter von Prittwitz und Gaffron
Geschichte des Königlich Preussischen Kaiser Alexander Garde-Grenadier-Regiments Nr. 1. und seiner Stammtruppen

Unveränderter Nachdruck der Originalausgabe von 1864. Der Verlag Antigonos spezialisiert sich auf die Herausgabe von Nachdrucken historischer Bücher. Wir achten darauf, dass diese Werke der Öffentlichkeit…

deliverable within 2-3 weeks
Current price: EUR 69.90

The Age of the Russian Avant-Garde - Futurists and Traditionalists

Olga Andryushchenko, Giorgio Koukl, Paul Stewart, Olga Solovieva

Item is in stock at our supplier and can be shipped immediately.
8 CDs
Current price: EUR 39.99

Michail Bulgakow,
Die weiße Garde

Ein Meisterwerk der Moderne - neu übersetzt von Alexander Nitzberg Kiew 1918, es ist Winter, das Ende des Ersten Weltkriegs ist nah. Doch für Familie Turbin fängt der Krieg gerade erst an: Gnadenlos bek…

available for immediate delivery
Current price: EUR 16.00

Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901)
Il Trovatore

Alexander Tsymbalyuk, Lianna Haroutounian, Gregory Kunde, Anita Rachvelishvili, Jonathan Fisher, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden, Richard Farnes

Item in stock
Blu-ray Disc
Previous price EUR 29.99, reduced by 80%
Current price: EUR 5.99

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)
Die "Da Ponte-Opern" (Mitschnitte aus dem Royal Opera House Covent Garden)

Corinne Winters, Angela Brower, Daniel Behle, Alessio Arduini, Johannes Martin Kränzle, Royal Opera House Covent Garden Chorus, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden, Semyon Bychkov, Mariusz Kw…

Item in stock
4 Blu-ray Discs
Previous price EUR 29.99, reduced by 66%
Current price: EUR 9.99

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)
Don Giovanni

Mariusz Kwiecien, Alex Esposito, Malin Byström, Alexander Tsymbalyuk, Antonio Poli, Veronique Gens, Elizabeth Watts, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden, Nicola Luisotti

Item in stock
Blu-ray Disc
Previous price EUR 29.99, reduced by 80%
Current price: EUR 5.99

Charles Gounod (1818-1893)
Ballettmusik zu Faust (200g HQ-Vinyl)

Royal Opera House Covent Garden Orchestra, Alexander Gibson

Item is in stock at our supplier and can be shipped immediately.
Current price: EUR 54.99

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)
Die "Da Ponte-Opern" (Mitschnitte aus dem Royal Opera House Covent Garden)

Corinne Winters, Angela Brower, Daniel Behle, Alessio Arduini, Johannes Martin Kränzle, Royal Opera House Covent Garden Chorus, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden, Semyon Bychkov, Mariusz Kw…

Item in stock
5 DVDs
Previous price EUR 27.99, reduced by 78%
Current price: EUR 5.99

The Royal Ballet - Concerto / Enigma Variations / Raymonda (3.Akt)

Natalia Osipova, The Royal Ballet, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden, Pavel Sorokin, Vasko Vassilev

Item in stock
Previous price EUR 27.99, reduced by 78%
Current price: EUR 5.99

Modest Mussorgsky (1839-1881)
Sämtliche Opern und Fragmente

Mark Reizen, Elizaveta Shumskaya, Evgenia Verbitskaya, Bronislava Zlatogorova, Maria Maksakova, Boris Timofeyevich Shtokolov, Valeria Lyubavina, Era Krayushkina, Ludmila Grudina, Aleksei Krivchenia, Alexe…

deliverable within 1-2 weeks
17 CDs
Current price: EUR 35.99

The Art of Lauren Cuthbertson

Lauren Cuthbertson, Federico Bonelli, Gary Avis, Alexander Campbell, Sergei Polunin, Edward Watson, Marcelino Sambe, Matthew Ball, Peter Wright (Choreographie), Kenneth MacMillan (Choreographie), Christop…

Item is in stock at our supplier and can be shipped immediately.
4 Blu-ray Discs
Current price: EUR 29.99

Peter Iljitsch Tschaikowsky (1840-1893)

Olga Guryakova, Vsevolod Grivnov, Larissa Diadkova, Vladimir Matorin, Maxim Mikhailov, Royal Opera House Covent Garden Orchestra, Alexander Polianichko

Item in stock
Previous price EUR 26.99, reduced by 77%
Current price: EUR 5.99

The Royal Ballet - Concerto / Enigma Variations / Raymonda (3.Akt)

Natalia Osipova, The Royal Ballet, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House Covent Garden, Pavel Sorokin, Vasko Vassilev

Item in stock
Blu-ray Disc
Previous price EUR 29.99, reduced by 80%
Current price: EUR 5.99

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Passionsoratorium BWV Anh.169 (rekonstruiert und vervollständigt von Alexander Grychtolik)

Miriam Feuersinger, Jana Pieters, Daniel Johanssen, Il Gardellino Choir, Il Gardellino Orchestra, Alexander Grychtolik

Item in stock
2 CDs
Current price: EUR 29.99

David Laing, Alexander Garden, Hector Boece
A theatre of Scottish worthies: and The lyf, doings, and deathe of William Elphinston bishop of Aberdeen

Reprint of the original, first published in 1878. The Antigonos publishing house specialises in the publication of reprints of historical books. We make sure that these works are made available to the pub…

deliverable within 2-3 weeks
Current price: EUR 79.90

Alexander Thornton
In the Garden of Forever Love

"In the Garden of Forever Love" invites readers to embark on a lyrical journey through the timeless landscapes of romance and devotion. Each poem serves as a delicate petal, unfurling the complexities and…

deliverable within 2-3 weeks
Current price: EUR 75.28

David Laing, Alexander Garden, Hector Boece
A theatre of Scottish worthies: and The lyf, doings, and deathe of William Elphinston bishop of Aberdeen

Reprint of the original, first published in 1878. The Antigonos publishing house specialises in the publication of reprints of historical books. We make sure that these works are made available to the pub…

deliverable within 2-3 weeks
Current price: EUR 59.90

Alexander Thornton
In the Garden of Forever Love

"In the Garden of Forever Love" invites readers to embark on a lyrical journey through the timeless landscapes of romance and devotion. Each poem serves as a delicate petal, unfurling the complexities and…

deliverable within 2-3 weeks
Current price: EUR 74.02

Lisa Maria Schachtschneider - Planet Earth

Lisa Maria Schachtschneider (Klavier)

Item in stock
Super Audio CD
Previous price EUR 19.99, reduced by 10%
Current price: EUR 17.99
Information on availability or release dates for items is based on information that we receive from our suppliers. These dates are not guaranteed and are subject to change at any time.