Search Results "Manfried Fischer" - all CDs, Bücher, DVDs und mehr

We could not find any exact matches to your search for "manfried fischer". Maybe these items match your search.


BBC Legends Vol.4

Rudolf Serkin, Svjatoslav Richter, Heather Harper, Clifford Curzon, Janet Price, Bernadette Greevy, Ian Partridge, John Carol Case, Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, Karl Engel, Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli, Ste…

deliverable within one week
20 CDs
Current price: EUR 74.99

Ingeborg Hischer - Tondokumente 1975-2016

Ingeborg Hischer, Helmut Kruse, Manfred Ehrhorn, Hartmut Brelowski

deliverable within 1-2 weeks
2 CDs
Current price: EUR 14.99

Otto Klemperer - The Complete Warner Classics Remastered Edition 1 "Symphonic Recordings"

Dennis Brain, Aase Nordmo Lövberg, Christa Ludwig, Waldemar Kmentt, Birgit Nilsson, Hans Hotter, Heather Harper, Janet Baker, Alan Civil, Annie Fischer, David Oistrach, Elisabeth Schwarzkopf, Hilde Rössel…

Item in stock
95 CDs
Current price: EUR 239.99

Vocal Soloists - Herausragende Gesangssolisten

Jochen Kowalski, Peter Schreier, Konrad Ragossnig, Cecilia Bartoli, Sumi Jo, Giuseppe Sabbatini, Michael Knapp, Gertrud Ottenthal, Daniela Lojarro, Gisella Pasino, Claudio Otelli, Renato Bruson, Lucia Alb…

deliverable within one week
10 CDs
Current price: EUR 29.99

Robin Beck
Love Is Coming

Robin Beck is truly one of the most gifted vocalists under the broad umbrella of Rock music and it was great pleasure that Frontiers welcomes her back on the label with the new album, “Love Is Coming”! …

deliverable within 2-3 weeks
Previous price EUR 33.99, reduced by 32%
Current price: EUR 22.99

Robin Beck
Love Is Coming

Robin Beck is truly one of the most gifted vocalists under the broad umbrella of Rock music and it was great pleasure that Frontiers welcomes her back on the label with the new album, “Love Is Coming”! …

Item in stock
Current price: EUR 12.99


Oliver Hartmann fasste als Frontmann der Heavy Rock Formation At Vance Fuß in der internationalen Musikszene. Während seiner erfolgreichen Zeit in der Band nahm er in den späten 90er Jahren vier Alben als…

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