The book: Lectures on Advanced Engineering Mathematics, (With Worked Examples), for Engineering Students, is aimed at guiding students to solve Engineering Mathematics by themselves. it comprises 10 Chapters as stated below Chapter 10 devoted to worked Examples. Chapter 1 is on Laplace Transformations and its properties, 2 on Fourier Transformations and its properties, 3 on Gamma Functions, Beta Functions and Stirling's Formula, 4 on Bessel Functions, 5 on Legendre's Equation Lagrange Multipliers and Cauchy-Riemann Equations, 6 on Differential Equations and Bernoulli's Equations, 7 on -Transforms, inverse Transforms and its Properties, 8 on the Theory of D- Operator, Chapter 9 is on Mathematical Programming while 10 is on Worked Exampes. Though the book is targeted at Post Graduate Engineering students, it could equally be useful for final year engineering students in Universities.