Acts of terrorism and forms of counter-terrorism have been evolving for quite a long time. Although we have been living with these phenomena for centuries, they have only recently become part of the daily lives of many in the West since the dawn of the millennium. In some countries, they have become so prevalent that they shape the daily lives and habits of citizens. For these reasons, it is of utmost importance for all of us to understand the root causes, the drives and the motives behind terrorist activities, preferably even before they can materialize. In this challenge, counter-terrorism activities play a crucial role. In this book, contributors from various disciplines discuss terrorism and counter-terrorism on the African continent through case studies from Nigeria, Kenya, Cameroon, Ghana, or Mozambique and the Sahel region. In addition to analysis, they offer possible steps for improving the situation.
Biografie (David Vogel)
David Vogel wurde 1891 in Satanow, Podolien, geboren und schrieb Lyrik und Prosa in hebräischer Sprache. Von 1912 bis 1925 lebte er in Wien, später zog es ihn nach Zwischenaufenthalten in Berlin und Palästina nach Paris. Nach der Besetzung Frankreichs wurde Vogel von der Gestapo verhaftet und ins Konzentrationslager Auschwitz deportiert, wo er 1944 ums Leben kam. Sein Werk umfasst expressionistische Gedichte, mehrere Novellen und Romane.