This book is designed to facilitate teaching and informal discussion in a supportive and friendly environment. The seminar provides a forum for postgraduate students to present their research results and train their presentation and discussion skills. Furthermore, it allows for extensive discussion of current research being conducted in the wider area of advanced structured materials. Doing so, it builds a wider postgraduate community and offers networking opportunities for early career researchers. In addition to focused lectures, the seminar provides specialized teaching / overview lectures from experienced senior academics. The 2023 Postgraduate Seminar entitled "Advanced Structured Materials: Development - Manufacturing - Characterization - Applications" was held from 20 till 24 May 2024 in Porto. The presented postgraduate lectures had a strong focus on polymer mechanics, composite materials, and additive manufacturing.
Biografie (Holm Altenbach)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Holm Altenbach lehrt Technische Mechanik an der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg. Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen auf verschiedenen Gebieten der Kontinuumsmechanik (Plattentheorie, Kriechschädigungsmechanik, Mechanik der Komposite).
Biografie (Andreas Öchsner)
Andreas Öchsner is Professor in the Department of Applied Mechanics at the Technical University of Malaysia, Malaysia. Having obtained a Master Degree in Aeronautical Engineering at the University of Stuttgart (1997), Germany, he spent the time from 1997-2003 at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg as a research and teaching assistant to obtain his PhD in Engineering Sciences. From 2003-2006, he worked as Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Head of the Cellular Metals Group affiliated with the University of Aveiro, Portugal. He has published over 140 research papers and organized three international conferences on diffusion in solids and liquids.
Biografie (Markus Merkel)
Markus Merkel ist Professor an der Hochschule Aalen und vertritt dort Konstruktionlehre und Leichtbau. Er ist Leiter des Zentrums für virtuelle Produktentwicklung. Zu seinen Arbeitsschwerpunkten gehört der konstruktionsnahe Einsatz der Finiten Element Methode als Simulationswerkzeug