"Unlock your inner healing powers with bestselling author of The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, Dr. Joseph Murphy One of the leading figures in the human potential movement, Dr. Joseph Murphy has been inspiring readers of all generations since the publication of his runaway bestseller, The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, which has sold millions of copies to date. Now, in The Healing Power of Your Subconscious Mind, readers will discover two of Joseph Murphy's most popular books on the topic of health, healing, and living a vibrant life. Combining The Healing Power of Love and How to Use Your Healing Power, this essential volume will inspire anyone looking to heal their lives through their own mental powers. This exclusive edition is part of the Essentials GPS Guide to Life series, and contains a faithful reproduction of the original and complete texts, as well as an introduction by the publisher"--
Dr. Joseph Murphy, am 20. Mai 1898 im Süden Irlands geboren, wanderte 1922 in die USA aus. Er studierte Religionswissenschaften, Philosophie und Jura und erlangte in allen Fächern den Doktorgrad. 1962 erschien sein Hauptwerk, "Die Macht Ihres Unterbewusstseins", dem zahlreiche Publikationen folgten. Durch seine Bücher und seine rege Vortragstätigkeit in der ganzen Welt wurde er zum Wegbereiter des Positiven Denkens. Er starb 1981 in Laguna Hills, Kalifornien/USA.
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