In times of crisis, risk management is more important than ever. In addition, companies are obliged to identify, quantify and aggregate risks as part of a risk management system. Legal and auditing standards have set the framework for doing so. This book uses a case study to show step by step how risks can be analyzed and quantified with the help of Microsoft Excel. The book begins with the graphical representation of risks and the calculation of risk parameters such as the value at risk. It subsequently aggregates different risks into an overall risk using Monte Carlo simulation. Hedging risks is also explained, and how non-hedgeable risks can be integrated into a business plan. The assessment of extreme risks is also addressed, as is the modeling of volatilities. The book is aimed at students of business administration with a focus on finance.
Biografie (Joachim Häcker)
Dr. Dr. Joachim Häcker ist Professor an der Hochschule Heilbronn und der University of Louisville. Ferner ist er Lehrbeauftragter an der St. Galler Business School sowie Beirat von PHTS. Sein Fachgebiet ist Internationale Finanzwirtschaft insbesondere Corporate Finance. Herr Häcker ist seit 12 Jahren als Berater im Corporate Finance Bereich tätig und war bis Ende 2003 Vice President bei Rothschild in Frankfurt und London. Herr Häcker hat an der Universität Tübingen und der Kenan Flagler Business School (USA) BWL und Jura studiert.
Biografie (Dietmar Ernst)
Dietmar Ernst is Professor for International Finance at Nürtingen University and Dean of the Master Programme in International Finance. Furthermore, he is Director of the European Institute for Financial Engineering and Derivatives (EIFD). His areas of expertise include Investment Banking and Derivatives. He is author of several books and numerous publications.