In the Era of Protagonism, every individual has the opportunity to become a strong, recognized, and desired brand. However, for many professionals, uncovering and strengthening their Personal Brand can be a significant challenge. Many don't know where to begin. Behind every professional, there is an individual, and it is undeniable that your Personal Brand already exists. So, when it comes to careers, why is it so difficult to talk about ourselves? Through the FLY® Method, which has already impacted thousands of people, Giuliana Tranquilini and Susana Arbex invite us to discover our strengths, demystify concepts, and reflect on how we can achieve success through an authentic Personal Brand. With an inspiring journey spanning over 20 years in communication and branding, they have guided professionals from various fields on a path of self-discovery, questioning deep-rooted beliefs to embrace their true essence. Through powerful storytelling and real, inspiring examples, they show us how we can stand out in our careers while living our purpose. Throughout this book, you will encounter various exercises and reflection prompts to enhance your self-awareness, map out your professional differentiators, and generate insights that will strengthen your Personal Brand. This book offers a transformative reading experience that could be the turning point you've been searching for in your career. As you turn these pages, be prepared to challenge yourself and discover the transformative power of your own voice, freeing yourself from masks and constraints so you can reach your full potential. Immerse yourself in moving stories, practical advice, and profound insights that will help you resonate with your inner truth and tell your story with confidence. By highlighting your Personal Brand, you will have the opportunity to stand out for what you do best without compromising who you are. May this book be the catalyst that inspires you to unleash your full potential in service of others, ensuring that your name is remembered, recognized, chosen, and preferred for what makes you proud - your unique role in the world.