This study explores the potential and limitations of using ChatGPT in learning Arabic as a foreign language. Employing a descriptive approach, the paper presents theories and methodologies regarding the application of ChatGPT in language learning, particularly in the context of Arabic as a foreign language. It also identifies key limitations that learners should consider to use this tool effectively and appropriately. The findings suggest that ChatGPT can serve as a "smart student" and a "learning partner" for Arabic learners. In these roles, ChatGPT can help learners with their tasks, create a flexible and personalized learning environment, and improve their language proficiency. However, the study also points out the need for caution regarding the ethical aspects and technological limitations of ChatGPT. Learners must adhere to academic integrity and avoid excessive reliance on ChatGPT, as over-dependence could negatively affect their critical thinking, engagement, and motivation to learn.